This club album has multiple albums and may have several photos of cars in each album....check out these beauties. There are 3 or more pages on the page numbers on the left or use the arrows on the right side to move between pages and member albums. Need help adding your album? Please call Ken at 586-260-3459 or 739-3197. Pictures can be submitted by our club members to K. Savage You should load multiple photos in a "single" album, & not upload individual pictures as different albums.
To make an album, go to "Add" on the top right side of the screen, then choose "Add an Album". Name your album title and the contents of your album in the "Description" area, then click "Modify". Then open your album by placing your cursor on the center section of the album square. Go to "Add" again and choose "Add Photos". Upload your photos from your computer, then click on "Done".
Each photo can be edited by clicking on each one & then go to "Edit Photo" too change the photo name. Open a photo and select "Album Options", then choose your album cover photo.