Club By-Laws

Rev 15......... January 1, 2023
Article I
Name and Purpose
1. The name of this organization shall be the Fun Time Cruzers.
2. The purpose of this Club is to provide, regulate, and direct club events, cruise-ins, and fun activities for our members and all classic car enthusiasts that will help maintain and continue the existence of our unique American cruising hobby. And to promote and manage our Club as a dedicated, friendly and committed organization that contributes support to all classic car associations, our military families, fraternal group charities, and other worthwhile foundations that specialize in helping our citizens in need.
Article II
Dues and Membership
3. The first 25 members of this Club shall be designated as Charter Members and shall pay $20.00 per year for their annual membership. Charter Members can "retire", and permanently keep their names on our club roster. General Members will be issued numbers from #26 onward. Annual dues for all General Members shall be $25.00 per year. Any future increases in the annual dues for all members must be approved by a 2/3 majority vote of the “voting” members who respond to a poll request, or are present for this vote at our annual Club meeting. Membership renewals are due in January of every new year. Memberships become inactive, abandoned, or revoked, if dues are not paid by April 1 of each year. If a General Member leaves the club for any reason, their number may be reissued or reassigned to new members.
4. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in the hands-on restoration, modification, repair, and showing of classic, modified, or customized automobiles of all makes and models. The Club Officers reserve the right to approve and/or refuse membership to applicants. Each membership shall extend to the family members (spouse & children under 18) of each club member. Club members can receive free membership cards for other family members upon request. Children do NOT have voting privileges. Club membership will be limited to 200 "Family Memberships" (or 400 total members including spouse or significant other). Children under 18 who request individual membership cards and retired Charter Members are not counted in this membership limitation. This limitation may be revisited and reviewed periodically, and modified, if desired, by a 2/3 vote of the "voting" membership who respond to a poll request, or are present to vote at our annual club meeting.
5. Club members and their families can receive extra charity 50/50 raffle tickets for free when they purchase a predetermined number of tickets (one arms length). Number of free tickets may change periodically, and can be adjusted by a majority vote of the Club Officers. One extra Event Sponsor Prize Ticket will be given to each person accompanying the cruiser owner/driver to our weekly cruise-in Club events.
6. Member's home and email addresses and phone numbers are confidential and shall not be distributed to other members, non-club members, event sponsors, or other parties without their permission. Members who wish to contact other members can send their request to the current Club President/ CEO or other authorized Club officer, via email or phone, who will then forward the contact request to the other member with your provided return contact information.
7. Dues shall be used first to pay for Hagerty/Markel (or other) Event Insurance and remaining funds can be used to offset misc. Club expenses. (Also see Article # VI)
8. Pro-rated Dues for new General Members shall be calculated on a 6 month basis from the date when their membership becomes active: $25.00 Jan to July 15; $20.00 July 16 to October 1. New membership applications will be reviewed if openings become available during the year, or after our annual club meeting in December.
9. All Members and Officers of the Fun Time Cruzers and their sponsors, assume no liability for any and all bodily injuries, damages, accidents, and theft, before, during, and after Cruise Events. COVID-19, Coronavirus update.... all members, attendees or visitors to our cruise-in events or other club functions no longer have to maintain social distancing or wear face masks inside or outside at most retail establishments (according to recent State of Michigan announcements). THANKS EVERYONE FOR OBEYING THE RULES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC.
Article III
Meetings & Changes to By-Laws
10. Periodic meetings will be held and scheduled by the Club Officers (not on holidays). The meeting place for each successive meeting may be determined at the previous meeting. Meetings may be held at members' houses, restaurants, condo club houses, state parks, or other places deemed feasible.
11. "Special" meetings may be called by the Club Officers, or by a request of five members.
12. Proposed By-Law changes and other resolutions concerning club activities and operations can be presented to the Club Officers via letter or email communications in lieu of meetings. If deemed practical, or a viable change that should be considered by our officers, a vote can be requested to modify our By-Laws either by internet poll, or may be conducted at our annual meeting to address ALL topics, proposals or resolutions.
13. Major "content" changes to Club By-Laws must be approved by 2/3 of the "voting" members. Minor "clarification" changes can be approved by a majority vote of the current Club Officers, or by a majority of voting members attending our annual club meeting. Club Officers will communicate the results of our member votes in a prompt manner to the membership. Changes to By-Laws that are approved by the membership will take effect on the date of our annual club meeting, or on the approved date designated by a majority vote of the current Club Officers and Directors.
Article IV
Elections - Vacant Positions - Officer & Member Issue Resolution
14. Elections shall be held during the December meeting each year. Any member may nominate another member for office.
15. The President/Club Executive Officer (CEO), Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Directors, Newsletter-Web Site Editor (or other Officers) shall be elected to one year terms. There shall be no limitation to the number of consecutive terms a member can hold a specific office. The Vice President shall automatically be included in the Presidential/CEO nominations.
16. In the event that an office becomes vacant, an election shall be held at the next scheduled meeting to fill the vacancy or the open position can be appointed by the CEO or VP on a temporary basis. The newly elected or appointed Officer shall hold the position only until regular elections are held at the December meeting.
17. An Officer/Director may be removed from office, or a club member may have their membership revoked for "just cause" by a 2/3 vote of the Club membership who "vote" on the removal/revocation request via email, or at our December meeting. "Just cause" may include, but is not limited to, failure to follow our club By-Laws & Cruize rules, member actions that cause injury, or create dangerous situations for: other members, our sponsors, or the general public, or member participation in illegal activities of any kind.
Article V
18. Committees may be formed as needed by the Officers and shall report to the membership of their progress and activities at each meeting. At least 3 members are required for a committee.
Article VI
Utilization of Assets, Other Funds, Travel Expenses & Club Dissolution
19. The Club CEO/Directors shall have authorization to spend any remaining Club funds (after paying Event Insurance) on behalf of the membership to help promote or pay for misc. Club activities, cruising safety items, or supplies without the need for entire membership approval. Supplies may include postage, envelopes, flyers, raffle tickets, parking pylons, tape, printer paper/cartridges, etc., (also see #20.) generally required during any given year. Members can request a copy of Club Income & Expenses from the Club CEO, VP, Secretary or Treasurer.
20. Club members are invited to offer suggestions for spending any available monetary Club funds or other donations to acquire additional non-sponsored awards, trophies, plaques, music CDs, electronic components such as speakers, amplifiers, CD players, tent, tables, fees for Club related or sponsored activities and other expenditures as described in # 18. Any proposed utilization of available funds exceeding $200.00 for any single item must be approved by 2/3 vote of the current elected club officers. It is the Club's desire to provide donations to car show events sponsored by charitable institutions when funds are available for such activities, and when the designated show, and amount to be donated, is approved by 2/3 of the current elected Club Officers.
21. Contributions or donations for special Club activities or for new system or product acquisitions noted in # 19 & 20 for Club use are welcome and will be utilized in accordance with the Club By-Laws.
22. In the event of Club dissolution, the assets of the Club shall be sold to any interested parties and proceeds received will be donated to the Salvation Army or other charitable organization.
23. The Club is authorized to pay any Club member for special travel expenses not to exceed $20.00 per round trip to obtain award plaques, shirts, hats, food or other supplies as needed to support Club events and activities. This action and payment amount was approved by our Club officers & added to our By-Laws on 2-20-18.
Article VII
Cruize Rules
24. Cruize Rules pertain to the safety of all cruisers, their cars, Club Members, Club Events, Sponsors and the general public. All Members and Officers of the Fun Time Cruzers and their sponsors, assume no liability or responsibility for any & all bodily injuries, damages, accidents, & theft, before, during, and after Cruise Events or Car Shows, or for any health related COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic conditions attendees to our events may experience. By coming to our events, all visitors acknowledge the known risks of attending gatherings of this nature during this worldwide health crisis.
Cruize Rules of the Road
1. You must park in regular parking spaces in Sponsor provided parking areas.
2. NO parking on the grass unless event is held in a park where this is authorized by the Event Sponsor or is common practice for a particular event.
3. NO burnouts, speeding, or loud music playing at any time.
4. NO saving parking spaces at Club Events. First come, first serve.
5. Please thank our Sponsors and give them your business (buy something).
6. NO parking in public streets or interconnecting driveways unless authorized by Sponsors or individual city governments that sponsor a particular event.
7. DO NOT LITTER. Place trash in appropriate trash containers provided by Sponsors. Police your own area & help your fellow cruisers clean up the Event area after the Event is over...
8. Club members must abide by local/state laws, & Sponsor requirements or guidelines when visiting their property.
9. Help your fellow cruisers park their cars safely & carefully.
10. Report abuse of the Rules to the Club Activity Director/CEO, or Sponsor.
11. Report any incidents involving Club Members, cars, event guests, or the general public, to Event Sponsors and Club Directors. Engage law enforcement, EMS, or fire department personnel when appropriate.
12. Treat everyone with courtesy & respect.......HAVE FUN!
Rev 15, January 1, 2023